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Park and Community Playground Use Policy


1.1. Park Use. Any existing or future playground equipment, recreational amenity, athletic equipment, pavilions, gazebos, turf fields and related amenities at the Parks are available for general, informal use by Users and subject to these Policies and Procedures. Commercial use of Parks and Playgrounds is prohibited without the prior written consent of the District Manager. NOTE: This policy does not pertain to Peninsula Park which is owned and operated by the Town of Firestone, not the District.

1.2. Limitation of Liability of District. Use of the Parks and Playgrounds is at the sole risk of any User, their guests or any other member of the public. Except as provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, §§ 24-10-101 et seq., C.R.S., the District shall not be responsible for any claims for damage by reason of any action or inaction of the District or its agents or representatives in connection with any of the Playgrounds.

1.3. Equipment. All recreational items and equipment located on or around the Playgrounds are the property of the District and shall not be taken from the premises without prior written consent of the District Manager. Any violations may result in criminal prosecution by the District and/or the revocation of usage of any Access Card(s).

1.4. Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol. Smoking is not permitted within twenty-five (25) feet of the Playgrounds, and the use of marijuana or illegal drugs is not allowed and shall not be permitted on or around the Playgrounds or in the Parks. The consumption of alcohol on or around the Playgrounds or in the Parks is prohibited.

1.5. Weapons. With the exception of squirt guns and unless otherwise authorized pursuant to C.R.S. § 18-12-214, no weapons of any kind shall be allowed on or around the Playgrounds by any Users, including, but not limited to, pocket knives or firearms.

1.6. Food and Drink. Food and non-alcoholic drinks are permitted on the Playgrounds. Glass containers are absolutely prohibited on the Playgrounds. Users shall clean up after themselves and dispose of all waste in the appropriate trash and/or recycling receptacles.

1.7. Pets. All pets must be accompanied by a User capable of controlling the pet and must be on a leash at the Playgrounds. All Users are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall prevent Users from being accompanied by lawfully-licensed disability-related assistance animals on the Playgrounds.

1.8. Prohibited Activities. The following activities are prohibited within the Parks:

  • 1.8.1. Placing or posting signs.
  • 1.8.2. Camping overnight.
  • 1.8.3. Entering or remaining in the Parks after such facilities are closed as indicated on the posted hours of operation.
  • 1.8.4. Depositing, leaving or burying refuse, trash or litter except in designated trash receptacles.
  • 1.8.5. Failing or refusing to pick up any animal waste caused by an owned pet or other domestic animal.
  • 1.8.6. Installing any structure, including but not limited to, tents, booths, stands, awnings, tree houses, rope swings, inflatable amusements or canopies, except that temporary awnings and umbrellas for shade are permitted as long as such structures are not left unattended and are removed when the User leaves.
  • 1.8.7. Operating remote control or control-line devices in the air, on or in the water, or on the ground.
  • 1.8.8. Using any amplified sound system that produces audible sound beyond a radius of twenty-five (25) feet.
  • 1.8.9. Sticking or placing any handbill, poster, placard, sticker, or painted or printed matter on any public building, fence, power or light or telephone pole, or any other public structure.
  • 1.8.10. Smoking in areas other than designated smoking areas.
  • 1.8.11. Playing or practicing golf or archery.
  • 1.8.12. Bringing into, possessing, or having any glass bottle or container.
  • 1.8.13. Discharging explosives or fireworks or operating launch model rockets or other devices which may have an explosive charge.
  • 1.8.14. Conducting any private enterprise.
  • 1.8.15. Parking motor vehicles overnight.
  • 1.8.16. Selling, serving, dispensing, possessing or consuming any alcoholic beverages.
  • 1.8.17. Blocking, closing off, or impairing access to any trails or facilities.
  • 1.8.18. Hunting, shooting, killing, injuring, trapping or maiming any animal.
  • 1.8.19. Permitting any livestock to graze.
  • 1.8.20. Destroying, vandalizing, defacing or damaging any buildings, structures, signs, equipment, fences, gates or locks regulating access.
  • 1.8.21. Entering, without authorization, those areas and facilities posted or otherwise designated as closed to the general public.
  • 1.8.22. Disposing or dumping of trash or waste.
  • 1.8.23. Removing, cutting down, and disfiguring rocks, trees, shrubs or other features of the natural environment.
  • 1.8.24. Building a fire.
  • 1.8.25. Operating unauthorized motor vehicles.
  • 1.8.26. Possessing a weapon, unless authorized pursuant to § 18-12-214, C.R.S., or any air rifle, spring-gun, bow and arrow, sling, paintball gun, air soft gun or any other projectile or bladed weapon.
  • 1.8.27. Engaging in any illegal or illicit activity, as prohibited by applicable Federal, State or local law, regulation or ordinance.

1.9. Outside Restrooms. Certain of the Parks have, or may soon have, outdoor restrooms that automatically unlock at sunrise and lock at sundown. Additional rules and regulations regarding the outside restrooms may be posted in and around the restrooms in the sole discretion of the District.

1.1 Compliance. All Users and members of the general public shall obey these Policies and Procedures in addition to any order, rule or regulation of the District and the instructions of any sign posted by the District.

1.2 Violation of Park and Playgrounds Use Policy. Should any person fail to observe and obey these Policies and Procedures, or any such order, rule, regulation or sign posted by the District, the District’s Manager may immediately remove or cause to be removed any such person and may ban such person from the use of the District Parks or open space and its facilities for such period of time as may be necessary to secure compliance with these Policies and Procedure. The District Manager may also impose a validly approved fee in their sole discretion. All violations may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

1.3 Public Use. Except for certain reservations as set forth in this Policy, all open turf areas and other open space within the Parks are intended for spontaneous play, recreational use, and picnics. Users shall report all broken or damaged equipment to the District Manager, as well as any other items, such as broken glass, which could be hazardous or harmful to persons utilizing these areas. No motorized bikes or vehicles are allowed in the Parks or on the bike paths.